As Nothing ends Well (three Shakepearean comedy stages) - for the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death
A sculptural form book that folds flat (to 11.8 x 8.5cm) and opens to a rough circle c24cm diameter. The book has three pages, each being of “Turkish mapfold” format. The pages are joined so that each open mapfold occupies c120° of the circle.
Each page has an abstract image by the author inspired by the plot of Shakespeare plays “As You Like It”, All’s Well That Ends Well” & “Much Ado About Nothing”. The text on these pages quotes known speeches from the relevant play, e.g “All the world’s a stage …” from “As You Like It”.
The title “As Nothing Ends Well” has parts of the names of all three Shakespeare plays used. The Sub-title refers to the resemblance of the open mapfold pages to a proscenium theatre stage.
Latest comments
28.09 | 17:52
Yes, the 2022 edition is on the What’s New page.
09.09 | 19:10
Are you doing a 2022 version?
10.12 | 09:26
Apologies for looking a bit vague yesterday at Ardvaak. It was good to see you again. We always seem to be away when you are exhibiting these days.I must look more closely at your web page to see wher
11.11 | 17:13
Lost Days 2019- see "What's New" page
Lockdown Abstracts - eight abstract drawings made to help my mental health during Covid 19 lockdown.
New larger-format edition now available 10 x 15cm folded £15 OR as an A3 sheet with instructions on how to make this into an artists' book. £10
Code Scrolls - wound on to recycled bottle corks. Text looks meaningless but can be deciphered with a bit of lateral thinking.
£6 each, or set of 3 different texts for £15